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publications articles
EoC magazine
A four-monthly periodical conceived to connect all those who adhere to the project launched by Chiara Lubich for an economy of communion in freedom.
It is an economy for people who find self-fulfilment in relationships with others rather than in rational egoism. It is an economy based on a ‘commitment to grow together’, rather than on a struggle to dominate, being willing to risk economic resources, inventiveness, and talents in order to share the Gospel’s culture of giving.
This culture of giving is proving to be more and more fundamental in directing humanity of the twenty-first century in its search for new ways to face the environmental challenge and to avert new atrocities among men caused by economic globalization.
Download printable version of EoC N.32 in PDF
Other issues are available for download at: PDF Files/EoC Magazine (PDF archivo, from N.25 until current issue)
see also: online papers/EoC magazine
Issues before N.25 can be downloaded at:
A collection of the most significant articles of the first ten years (twenty issues) of the Newsletter "Economy of Communion - a new culture" (from 1994 to 2004) are in the first issue N.1 of "Economy of Communion Notebooks", also available online (in Italian).
EoC Newsletter
click here to order printed copies
We are proud to present Formy, in Italian "Formica", the new EoC mascot. Formy came about from the precious collaboration with Vittorio Sedini and will be a regular feature on the site aimed at kids, teachers, and educators, which will come out at the same time as our newsletter.
Formy constitutes a further initiative of the Youth Project and the EoC, which began a couple of years ago, intended to raise awareness of the Economy of Communion to the younger generations. Through the comic strips, Formy will try to explain EoC in a simple and direct manner not only to the kids…
We like Formy very much and hope it will be also appreciated by our loyal readers to whom we propose to spread and make it known in the places where each one works. Let us know what you think!
1. The Economy of Communion (EoC) is a movement that involves entrepreneurs, workers, directors, consumers, savers, scholars, economic workers, poor and citizens, families, and was launched by Chiara Lubich in May of 1991 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Its aim is to contribute, according to the Charism of Unity, in giving life to businesses which they feel as their mission to eradicate social injustice so as to help build an economic system and a human society of communion, where, imitating the first community of Jerusalem, “no one among them was in need” (Acts 4,32-34).
2. The EoC is an international movement coordinated by a Central Commission and by Local Commissions linked to the Central Commission on the basis of the Principle of Subsidiarity.
3. Those who adhere to the EoC commit themselves to living the values and culture of communion in the light of the charism of unity, both as individuals and in the organizations in which they work, making themselves its animators and promoters. They commit themselves particularly, with ideas and actions, so that the culture of communion, giving and reciprocity penetrate always more into the world of economy and inform it at all levels.
4. The backbone of the EoC is represented by businesses or productive organizations of various juridical forms, even non lucrative (non-profit, social and civil businesses, cooperatives, associations, etc.) that decide to adopt in their praxis the culture of communion and the values of the EoC.
5. The EoC businesses commit themselves in creating new wealth and jobs with creativity and innovation, and sharing of profits for the goals of the EoC Project, even beyond the environment of its interested carriers.
6. Based on the originating inspiration, the EoC gives life to Business Parks, located in the Small Towns of the Focolare Movement. The business parks, signs of the project’s witness and concreteness, are an integral part of the EoC, and make the project complete and mature in a certain region or Country.
7. The request to adhere to the EoC by individuals and institutions should be addressed to the Local Commission, which gives approval as long as the following requirements are maintained:
(a) serious commitment by the entrepreneur/s to begin a journey of communion with the Local Commission and with all the local and international EoC movement, not only as a single person but as an expression of the business community
(b) sharing of the project’s goals and the purposes of the Charism of Unity of which the EoC is an expression
(c) openness to allot business profits, when they are present, according to the three goals of the project, which are: (1) a concrete help to the poor, (2) the formation of “new men and women”, (3) development of the business and/or distribution to associates
(d) inspires the governance of the business by fraternity, according to the document “Guidelines for Conducting an EoC Business”
(e) understands and lives in relationship with persons in situations of poverty on a level of dignity, substantial equality, respect, reciprocity and communion
(f) considers the business and/or action as a place or instrument to reduce poverty and injustice, both at the local and global level
8. The EoC also gives life to a movement of thought and ideas, in a genuine dialogue with the contemporary culture and with civil and social economy locally and globally.
9. The EoC cooperates with the various initiatives of the Churches, of various religions and of civil and political society, of which it feels to be a vital expression and an instrument of unity.
10. The EoC contributes to “that all may be one” (John 17:21).
EoC-IIN International Incubating Network
EoC-IIN is an international organisation expressed in the form of a network for the incubation of new companies with the spirit of communion, with hubs present on various continents, which offer various services in the incubation process with the hallmark of generosity (gratuitousness) and reciprocity.
EoC – IIN is a collective expression of the typical EoC cultural imprint: entrepreneurs and professionals who donate their talent and experience to facilitate the growth of a new generation of entrepreneurs.
Further information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Go to the EoC-IIN Platform
Business parks: - Polo Lionello
“God acts always” is the motto which Chiara Lubich gave to the Polo Lionello “to remind ourselves of the value which God gives to work, to man´s own creative ingenious”. It´s written on a plaque (sculpted by Benedetto Pietrogrande) hung near the building´s reception area.
(click on the image to zoom)
The Italian business park, inaugurated in October of 2006, is located in Incisa Val D´Arno, a few kilometers from the international small town of Loppiano (near Florence). The naming of the building after Magistrate Lionello Bonfanti, once responsible for the small town´s relationships with the local institutions, was in order to highlight that the building´s “vocation” is not only economic but “civil” as well.
In fact, the 20 businesses (see below) there today present themselves as a community open to the region that has welcomed them and of which they are a living part.
Raggruppa i blog di L.Bruni, A. Ferrucci, V.Pelligra e B.Gui
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Greater than Guilt - The Dawn of Midnight - Listening to life - Nacked Questions - A Man named Job - The Midwifes of Egypt
Narrative Capitals - On the border and beyond - The Voices of the Days - Regenerations - The Great Transition
Avvenire Editorials
Biblical Series
The exile and the promise
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Surpluses and misalignments
Vittorio Pelligra
Department of Economics
University of Cagliari
Behavioural Economics Research Group
V.le S.Ignazio 17
09100 Cagliari
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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To keep Leo Andringa's memory alive, who was among the first ones to grasp the delicacy of the aid distribution process to the needy, the EoC has decided that the newly-formed "Leo Andringa Observatory of Poverty” (Osservatorio sulla povertà Leo Andringa; OPLA) with its headquarters at the Lionello Business Park (Polo Lionello Bonfanti) would be named after him..
OPLA has as its goal to collect the "best practices" (in and outside of the EoC) in fighting poverty, by developing an approach inspired by the values of communion and reciprocity.
Headquarters: Polo Lionello Bonfanti - Loc Burchio snc, 50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno (FI)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - go to website
EoC events
#EocwiththePope, or the extraordinary day of the audience for more than 1,100 members of the EoC from 54 countries with Pope Francis on 4 February 2017 in the Vatican: in addition to the text of the speech the Pope addressed to us, we will be gathering here press reviews, interviews, videos made...
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Prophetic Economy
#ProfeticEconomy is much more than a three-day event, it is a journey undertaken by associations and movements that intend to give answers to the cry of the earth and the poor together. Our world is facing an ecological and social crisis. Climate change and increasing inequality are fuelled by unjust economic structures, short-term policies and outdated aid practices.
Many people around the world believe passionately in human development and sustainability, working tirelessly to change the rules and demand justice. It is time to unite and be more than the sum of our parts.
#ProfeticEconomy is going to be an experience and the beginning of a process: our intention is to stimulate inventiveness, confrontation and creativity in search of sustainable and collective solutions to the social and environmental problems of our time, with particular attention to the poorest.
Year after year, the number of theses written on the Economy of Communion project continues grows.
Their topics show the progressive amplitude of the studies done on the EoC project, with particular attention to the various economic and organizational aspects that arise from putting the person "at the center".
The theses can be consulted at:
Istituto Universitario Sophia
Sophia promotes itself as a laboratory of formation and research in which the profound links between life and thought, study and experience, are reconnected. It´s an university institute that looks towards the future, attentive to the petitions of our time so that the man of today and tomorrow – as Chiara Lubich loved to say – becomes always more a “man of the world”.
Sophia offers a formation open to everyone, as well as its incarnated fields of study which can become a competitive edge in the field of economics and in particularly in business.
Sophia is an instrument of formation of those “new people” soaked with and trained in the “culture of giving” and reciprocity, without which it is not possible to actualize an Economy of Communion. That is why a substantial part of the EOC profits go to financially sustain Sophia.
More information:
Summer School
Lab- School Loppiano 2016
from 4 to 8 September 2016
Polo Lionello Bonfanti
Loc. Burchio snc
50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno (FI)
Official language: English. Further information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.-
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Call for papers
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Categoria fittizia per raggruppare i libri nelle varie lingue - NON si pubblica questa categoria ma solo le sottocategorie
In questa sezione sono raccolti video attinenti ad EdC
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In questa sezione sono raccolti vari interventi attinenti ad EdC sotto forma di file audio (.mp3 scaricabili direttamente, da ascolatare in streming o link a pagine web esterne contenenti file audio su EdC).
Contiene i podcast prodotti da trasmissioni radio
Contiene i podcast prodotti con interviste o altri eventi
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In questa categoria sono disponibili vari video, in varie lingue, relativi alla Scuola Panafricana Edc svoltasi alla Mariapoli Piero di Nairobi dal 23 al 25 gennaio 2011 ed alla Conferenza internazionale "Economy of Communion: a New Paradigm for African Development" svoltasi alla Università Cattolica dell'Africa Orientale (CUEA) dal 26 al 28 gennaio 2011.
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In questa categoria caricheremo via via video di pensatori come Giacomo Becattini, Amartya Sen, Muhammad Yunus, Martha Nussbaum... persone che con il loro pensiero hanno creato innovazione e civiltà.
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Questa categoria raccoglierà i video, dell'Assemblea Internazionale di Economia di Comunione svoltasi dal 25 al 28 maggio 2011 alla Mariapoli Ginetta (Vargem Grande Paulista, Brasile) e quelli relativi all'evento conclusivo del 29 maggio 2011 a San Paolo.
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In questa categoria sono raccolti i video in lingua spagnola della Escuela de Verano Edc 2011, svoltasi in Argentina dal 17 al 21 gennaio 2011 presso la Mariapoli Lia, a O'Higgins (Buenos Aires).
La Escuela de Verano Edc, per giovani imprenditori o aspiranti tali, si intitolava “Costruendo il sogno” . Questo motto rende molto lo spirito che ha accompagnato dapprima l’idea di questa scuola, scaturita a Santa Cruz, in Bolivia, nel luglio 2010, ed in seguito la sua preparazione e realizzazione.
vai al blog della Escuela de Verano
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In questa categoria raccogliamo gli interventi delle Convention Edc Italia che si svolgono dal 2010 al Polo Lionello Bonfanti (Loppiano, Incisa in Val d'Arno, Firenze)
In questa categoria sono raccolte alcune puntate della rubrica settimanale "Il pensiero economico in Caritas in Veritate", in onda da settembre 2009 su Tele Ticino all'interno della trasmissione "Caritas Insieme". In questa rubrica, diversi esponenti del mondo culturale, locale e internazionale, aiuteranno i telespettatori a comprendere la vastità e l’impatto sulla vita concreta di molti uomini della nuova Enciclica di Benedetto XVI "Caritas in Veritate". Di questa Enciclica si intende mettere in luce soprattutto l’impatto sul pensiero economico e le novità che l’approccio del magistero apportano alla struttura stessa della concezione economica globale e dei singoli stati.
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Questa categoria raccoglie video di Luigino Bruni di vario genere: conferenze, interviste, interventi a convegni.
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In questa categoria sono raccolti video che ci raccontano la vita degli imprenditori e delle aziende Edc: spesso sono gli imprenditori stessi a dare la propria esperienza in prima persona. I video sono in lingua originale: potete trovare testimonianze in Italiano, portoghese, inglese, spagnolo, francese...
In this section, we have gathered a few episodes from the weekly series called "Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate", on air since September 2009, on Tele Ticino, as part of the transmission "Caritas Insieme" (Charity Together). In this series, various personalities in local and international culture, help viewers understand the vastness and impact of Benedict XVI´s Caritas in Veritate on people´s daily lifes. This series wants to particularly highlight the encyclical´s economic thought and the novalty that the magisterial approach brings to the very structure of global and national economic conceptions.
Summer School Prague 2015 Videos
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