In the EoC there is, even if it is still in nuce (in embryo), a different and new idea of the business person and a new business. A business person, we have seen, is fraternal, capable of difficult innovations, “baker of cakes” (and not just giver of “slices of cake” to the “poor”), who knows how to network within and outside the EoC; He believes in Providence because every day he is able to see it working in his life, including his economic life. He doesn’t fear the vulnerability and the wounds of relationships because together with the wounds, he also sees the blessings. He who goes in search of the poor, “of the lonely”, knowing that his specific way of contributing to building a more united world becomes more effective by making them part of the production system, creating with them opportunities of work and of growth. He seeks new forms of governance to give life to those “new wine skins” for the “new wine” of the

Luigino Bruni, from: "The EoC towards 2031",
at the conclusion of the EoC 2011 Assembly, Mariapolis Ginetta, 28 May 2011

(see the Video in Italian - Luigino Bruni: conclusioni dell'Assemblea Edc)


Since January 2018, the ‘Good Neighbour Programme’ has been effectively providing employment...


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For EoC business owners, the definition of an employee expands beyond expectations. By Julie...


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