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Audio and video are very effective means to describe a reality such as the Economy of Communion: for this reason, on this page you can access many audio and video by topics.

Both audio and video are always available in their original language and every content will be accessible regardless of the language which you are browsing the site in; some videos have contents in more than one language.


EoC Conferences

EoC Conferences

Miscellaneous EoC

Miscellaneous EoC

Caritas in veritate

Caritas in veritate

Portraits of entrepreneurs

Portraits of entrepreneurs

Masters of Thought

Masters of Thought

Press release video

Press release video

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Rapporto Edc 2017

Rapporto Edc 2017

L’economia del dare

L’economia del dare

Chiara Lubich

"A differenza dell' economia consumista, basata su una cultura dell'avere, l'economia di comunione è l'economia del dare..."

Le strisce di Formy!

Le strisce di Formy!

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© 2008 - 2025 Economia di Comunione (EdC) - Movimento dei Focolari
creative commons Questo/a opera è pubblicato sotto una Licenza Creative Commons . Progetto grafico: Marco Riccardi - edc@marcoriccardi.it

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