72Istituto Universitario Sophia

Masters and PhD. In Principles and Prospective of a Culture of Unity

(concentration in economics)

Sophia promotes itself as a laboratory of formation and research in which the home_sophia1.jpgprofound links between life and thought, study and experience, are reconnected.  It´s an university institute that looks towards the future, attentive to the petitions of our time so that the man of today and tomorrow – as Chiara Lubich loved to say – becomes always more a “man of the world”.

Sophia offers a formation open to everyone, as well as its incarnated fields of study which can become a competitive edge in the field of economics and in particularly in business.

Sophia is an instrument of formation of those “new people” soaked with and trained in the “culture of giving” and reciprocity, without which it is not possible to actualize an Economy of Communion.  That is why a substantial part of the EOC profits go to financially sustain Sophia.

More information: www.iu-sophia.orglink.gif


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The Economy of Giving

The Economy of Giving

Chiara Lubich

«Unlike the consumerist economy, based on a culture of having, the economy of communion is the economy of giving.... 

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