photo by Cristiano Corsini



EoC told to not only to kids...

We are proud to present Formy, in Italian "Formica", the new EoC mascot. Ecco_Formy_200Formy came about from the precious collaboration with Vittorio Sedini and will be a regular feature on the site aimed at kids, teachers, and educators, which will come out at the same time as our newsletter.

Formy constitutes a further initiative of the Youth Project and the EoC, which began a couple of years ago, intended to raise awareness of the Economy of Communion to the younger generations. Through the comic strips, Formy will try to explain EoC in a simple and direct manner not only to the kids…

We like Formy very much and hope it will be also appreciated by our loyal readers to whom we propose to spread and make it known in the places where each one works. Let us know what you think!

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The Economy of Giving

The Economy of Giving

Chiara Lubich

«Unlike the consumerist economy, based on a culture of having, the economy of communion is the economy of giving.... 

Formy comic strips!

Formy comic strips!

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