History - The collective project to get to know the micro-credit realities born in the 15th century at the instigation of the Franciscans takes shape
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on...
The proposal - A collective project on the first microcredit realities, born in the 15th century through the initiative of the Franciscans
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 11/01/2024
Horizons - In his second novel-apologist, botanist Mancuso gives science and ecology a narrative guise; in an imaginary alternate world, plants talk and make community. While humans are harmful...
Analysis – A change of era such as the current one suggests courageous changes to embody monastic life in new forms
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 13/12/2024
In the Middle...
Opinions - Black Friday and homeopathic gifts
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 29/11/2024
Among the many festivals of capitalist religion, black friday is the one that presents a perfect...
Editorials - Positional and cooperative logic
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 11/08/2024
Homo sapiens is a competitive animal. For a very long time, our competitors have been natural...
Editorials - The Jubilee and the remission of debt
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 09/06/2024
This article went to press in a shortened version – here we are publishing it in...
May 1st, People and Robots
Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 01/05/2024
Perhaps the strongest image with which we approached May 1st was the meeting between Pope Francis and the inmates...
Editorial – The religion of consumerism and new cults
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 24/11/2023
Black Friday has become the beginning of the liturgical year of the capitalist...
Opinions - On the occasion of the VII World Day of the Poor, established by Pope Francis, let’s explore solutions for progress together
Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 19/11/2023 *
This year, the Economy of Francesco (EoF) has chosen ‘The 25th hour’ as title for its global event.
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 06/10/2023
The event that is taking place today, on...
Editorial - The crises of a system or organization cannot be explained or overcome as long as you remain within the same system that generated them. To achieve this you must be ready to make some...
Opinions - The new theories are portrayed as post-hierarchical, but they are not, because they divide the world into leaders and followers. The true agent of change is the one who does not feel like...
Editorial - The pandemic and the work that needs to be valued more
By Luigino Bruni
Published in Avvenire 01/05/2021
One of the legacies of the pandemic is its contribution in...
Editorials - Today's trials and victims, yesterday's history
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 31/12/2020
The collective dimension of fear and death: this is the legacy that 2020...
Editorials - The humanism of the "three F's" of young people and the challenge for the coming year of combining integral ecology and economics
By Luigino Bruni
Published in Avvenire 31/12/2019
The Epiphany of Jesus – Those who know how to give do not take up space, but free it. They do not take up time from reciprocity and only bring "great joy" with them.
By Luigino Bruni
Published in...
Editorial – At the root of the attack against the solidarity networks
by Luigino Bruni
published in Avvenire on 30/04/2019
One the greatest moral novelties of Christian and European humanism is...
Editorial – The fire of Notre-Dame: the soul is a serious matter
by Luigino Bruni
Published in Avvenire on 18/04/2019
Roots do not represent the past, but the present and the future of plants....