Thesis of Francisco Buchara

Francisco Buchara ridFrancisco Buchara

How to Convey the EoC Principles in the Company? The Mundell & Associates Case: Working with the Organisational Diagram and Internal Relations in the Company

Graduate degree in Managerial Sciences

Australian University, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 19th November 2013, Language: Spanish, Advisor: Juan Francisco Daraio

The thesis is the product of an internship at the EoC company Mundell & Associates. The idea is: "How to pass the EoC ball?"; a simple question that tries to give an answer to one of the biggest challenges that companies driven by idealistic motivations such as the EoC have to face: the transmission and spread of these ideals by the leader / founder to the other members. It is exactly for the fact of being an "ideal" that it cannot be inserted in a contract but it remains a free choice and an act of generosity. The thesis focused on this question while examining the framework of Mundell & Associates to show how it can be expressed in the company organisational diagram, finally proposing some ideas that may facilitate this transmission.



Language: ENGLISH

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