Thesis of Irene Ioffredo

Irene Ioffredo ridIrene Ioffredo

Economy and Human Development in Antonio Genovesi and Amartya Sen

Master's degree in European Political Sciences and Development Strategies

University of Naples "Frederick II", 19th December 2013, Language: Italian, Advisor: Marco Musella

The thesis analyzes the tradition of Civil Economy of Neapolitan economist Antonio Genovesi, comparing it with the important theory of the Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen. Both contributions are essential inasmuch as they place cultural and economic reciprocity and the well-being of individuals at the centre of the debate and intend to "reform" the dominant capitalist and individualist model that is going through a crisis now. Within the same topicality, professors Zamagni, Gui and Bruni were also interviewed about the proposals of Civil Economy and about doing business today. Civil is not a "new" adjective to be set aside for the identification of a specific sector, but to be understood as the key to a broader and more unified understanding, a cultural perspective from which the whole of economy can be interpreted. It is a style that you can practice in businesses, organizations of civil society, thereby making relatedness the reason for existence. And the EoC is a concrete example of this.



Language: ENGLISH

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