Video - Justice and Truth

The Economic Thought in  Caritas in Veritate - Part 1

Stefano Zamagni: Justice and Truth

The segment in the weekly show  "The Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate", from the transmission, "Caritas Together", aired on September 12 and 13 of 2009 on Tele Ticino. In this new segment, various experts in the cultural, local and international spheres help viewers understand the vastness and the impact on concrete life of Benedict XVI´s new encyclical, Caritas in Veritate.

The first segment will feature Stefano Zamagni, renowned economist and close collaborator for the draft of the papel document. Professor Zamagni will address various themes, like economy and gratuitousness, the common good and subsidiarity, a redefinition of welfare and the third sector.

(in Italian)

Il pensiero economico in Caritas in Veritate, Giustizia e Verità - 12/09/2009

©CARITAS TICINO - All rights reserved



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