Video - Overcoming the Crisis Starting from the Bottom

The economic thought in Caritas in Veritate - XXIII segment

Luigino Bruni - Overcoming the Crisis Starting from the Bottom


XXIII segment of the weekly column "The Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate", was aired on February 13 and 14, 2010, on Tele Ticino, within the transmission "Caritas Insieme" (Caritas Together). 

In this brief video, Luigino Bruni weighs the modest changes that the recent crisis has produced in the lifestyle of families and comes to the conclusion that only the civil sector, the bottom, will be able to help resolve the work crisis which currently seems to have no escape. 

{rokbox title=|Il pensiero economico in Caritas in Veritate, La crisi si salva dal basso - 13/02/2010| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/Video_100213_caritas23.jpg|}{/rokbox}

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Language: ENGLISH

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