Video - Economy and Technological Progress

Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate - Part 2

Stefano Zamagni: Economy and Technological Progress

Segment of the weekly show"Il pensiero economico in Caritas in Veritate", from the transmission, "Caritas Together", aired on September 19 and 20 of 2009 on Tele Ticino.

In this segment, Stefano Zamagni describes how the topic of technological progress is seen in Caritas in Veritate: the pope invites us to not fall into the so-called technological myth that affirms that all that is technologically possible is licit. If followed, this is a myth whose consequences could be the domination of science over man, taking away spaces of liberty. 

Il pensiero economico in Caritas in Veritate, Economia e progresso tecnico - 19/09/2009

©CARITAS TICINO - All rights reserved



Language: ENGLISH

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