convegno EdCEoC events

Conferences, meetings, call for papers...


  1. Kenya - Juja, 21/09/2019
  2. The Economy of Francis: young people are able to see further
  3. "The Economy of Francesco", Assisi, 26-28 March 2020: Registration underway for under 35
  4. EoC’s Elizabeth Garlow receives Honorary PhD
  5. Germany - Augsburg, 31/08/2019 - 01/09/2019
  6. Argentina, O'Higgins: discussions on the subject of the Focolari movement at the 43rd EoC Summit of the South Cone
  7. March 2020, Assisi : "The Economy of Francis": young people, a pact, the future
  8. Global problem-solving
  9. USA - Washington D.C., 14/03/2019
  10. Cameroon, AECAC: A new action plan to reinforce the work of the Association
  11. The guy who plants billions of trees
  12. The Economy Can Be Prophetic
  13. Young people's imagination and intelligence: a road to a prophetic economy
  14. Prophetic Economy: deadline extension for the Award
  15. Video - Prophetic Economy
  16. A competition to promote "Prophetic Economies”
  17. Here is the chance, Prophetic Economy!
  18. Prophetic Economy...between the “already” and the “not yet”
  19. The EoC and One Entrepreneur’s Story
  20. The vulnerable, front and center
  21. Not accumulate, but circulate
  22. Pope Francis Delivered The Hard Talk About The Economy That Davos Didn't
  23. A counter culture: Economy of Communion
  24. Video - Impressions after the meeting with Pope Francis
  25. Video - The Economy of Communion and Pope Francis
  26. Pope: reject capitalism if it makes money a god and discards the weak
  27. Being an EoC Entrepreneur: when Economy and Communion Unite
  28. Joy, Celebration, and Challenge
  29. Pope Francis' speech
  30. Rome: members of the EoC from all around the world gather to meet Pope Francis

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