The Economy of Francesco

young people, a pact, the future

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young people, a pact, the future

international events

September 22-24 2022, - Assisi

September 22-24 2022, Assisi

"The Economy of Francesco"

young people, a pact, the future

Breaking news:

published today the letter with which Pope Francis summons young economists and entrepreneurs to Assisi to propose a pact for a new economy. Economy of Communion participates in the organizing committee of the event together with the Diocese and the Municipality of Assisi and the Seraphic Institute.


Female entrepreneurship: the challenge of microcredit in Uganda

EoF: Stories - Miriam Nabasirye founded a company that has helped 640 women to start a self-employed business: from trade to fishing and even to the textile industry

by Maria Gaglione

published in Avvenire on 10/01/2020

"Participate in the Economy of Francis in order to build a fair and just economy for the women and girls of my country, Uganda". Miriam Nabasirye is an entrepreneur committed to fighting poverty: "In November 2018, I founded Rescue Women Enterprises whose mission is to promote access to microcredit, savings funds and education for women and girls in vulnerable situations".

Uganda is a beautiful country. One of the poorest in the world. Women are deprived of many rights, including the right to own land, and many of them are denied access to work, health services and education. Especially in rural areas where the low rates of schooling and marriages at an early age increase the vulnerability of women. Yet they are at the heart of the family, taking care of the house, the fields and the water supply. Myriam is convinced that women are at the heart of her country's future. Concreteness and harmony, care and relationships, creativity, attention. She tells us about the importance of guaranteeing women access to training and entrepreneurship. "When I was a young employee, I used to hear stories about women and girls who were discriminated against, exploited and at risk. I was familiar with the micro-credit system as a means of access to financial services for people living in poverty and marginalisation and I had experienced its benefits for my family. I created Rescue Women Enterprises to promote the economic, educational and health emancipation of women and girls in difficult situations. The company provides micro-credit and investment and savings services for women entrepreneurs in rural and semi-urban areas of Uganda to start or strengthen small businesses. Since then, over 640 women entrepreneurs in poverty and without access to traditional funding have been helped. They are traders, fisherwomen, seamstresses.

Many women are excluded from traditional financial services because of poverty and financial illiteracy, but also because of the existence of predatory financing models and, more generally, because of a political and social context that perpetuates unequal access to resources. "Accessible financing models and the spreading of the culture of savings have enabled these women entrepreneurs to manage their activities with profitability and economic sustainability. Today these women can pay school fees for their children, have a decent home and regular meals for themselves and their families".

The activity of Rescue Women Enterprises is assisted by the Rescue Women Foundation and the Rescue Women Fund: projects that have led to the creation of 9 jobs, directly supported 10 students and freed two young women from prostitution. "Our support programme for teenage mothers has also supported 85 young mothers in vulnerable conditions, accompanying them in the development of small business activities".

Talking to Myriam means learning many things. First of all, that the fight against poverty and exclusion requires the policy of small steps in order to succeed. "Knowing the real problems and facing them in a very concrete way,” continues Myriam “means contributing to the development of our country and to the construction of a more just world. Starting with training, which Myriam returns to several times. An educated woman is an independent woman, able to take care of herself, her children and the community. A woman who is given the opportunity to contribute to the growth of a country. "Education helps the girls to work and make decisions for the future. It is therefore essential to continue to work on multiple levels to remove obstacles from their education. When she talks about "women", Myriam thinks of the faces and stories of real women, very often very young. Myriam will take them with herself to Assisi. So that the Economy of Francis may restore justice and hope to them, so that they may never be left alone again.



Language: ENGLISH

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