Thesis of Park, Young-bong

Park Y B Matteo ridPark, Young-bong

A Study of a Social Teaching Plan as an Alternative to Economic Neoliberalism with Focus on the Economy of Communion

PhD in the Social Teaching of the Church

Suwon Catholic University by Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 7 September 2009, language: Korean, Advisor: Lee, Seong-hyo

Why is it that the gap between the rich and the poor seems to increase more and more in the world? What is generating this trend? The answer is in the prevalence of the neoliberal economy and the maximization of profits at any cost that results from it. Founded on the culture of giving, the Economy of Communion is about helping those in need out of poverty and can be an alternative to neo-liberalism that is based on capital and competition. Despite the difficulties in spreading the "Policy of communion" in the Korean reality, it has been found that in the companies operated with these standards, results were not slow in coming.



Language: ENGLISH

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The Economy of Giving

The Economy of Giving

Chiara Lubich

«Unlike the consumerist economy, based on a culture of having, the economy of communion is the economy of giving.... 

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