Thesis of Alessandra Poloni

Alessandra Poloni ridAlessandra Poloni

CSV and EoC: models for a sustainable development

Specialist Degree in International Business

University of Bergamo, 30 October 2012, Language: Italian, Advisor: Gianpaolo Baronchelli

The models of "Creating Shared Value" and "Economy of Communion" solve social issues by inviting for collaboration and the enhancement of the community context. It is a very effective approach in the emerging realities where the proactive action of the western enterprise is employed for the development of the country in which it wants to settle, respecting its culture and values.  The thesis concludes with the case of a company that intends to enter the Indian market: considering the values and also the barriers this entry, it outlines an approach mode as shown in CSV and EoC.



Language: ENGLISH

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