Thesis of Kang, Young-sun

 Kang Y S Clara ridKang, Young-sun

Economy of Communion: Theory and Practice

Master in Business Administration

Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 28 March 2013, language: Korean, Advisor: Kim, Sam-soo

The EoC is capable of surpassing the principle of competition in the capitalist market economy and achieving brotherhood in economics. Although practised by only a few companies and with a short history, the EoC shows that it is possible to restore individual relationships and trust in the market, too. The real value of the EoC is in placing people at the centre in all production processes. The EoC promotes brotherhood through social and economic activities, and practises the culture of giving in a society wounded by marginalization and suspicion.



Language: ENGLISH

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The Economy of Giving

The Economy of Giving

Chiara Lubich

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