Thesis of Josué Aduna Castillo

Josue Aduna ridJosué Aduna Castillo

Happiness in Mexico: an application of the Seemingly Unrelated Regression model

Bachelor's Degree in Applied Statistics in the Insurance and Finances Sector

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), 25 June 2014, Language: Spanish, Advisor:: Juan José Fernández Durán

The thesis, in search of sustainable development and a guideline for public policies, wonders what factors determine the happiness of a Mexican person. Among the possible variables the EoC's culture of giving is also taken into account. After an analysis based on the latest studies for the measurement of happiness, the thesis shows that, even if the environment contributes to the level of happiness, inner growth and personal characteristics are the determining factors of happiness, confirming a fully human vision of underlying happiness attributed to the EoC.



Language: ENGLISH

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