Thesis of Dayana Piccoli

Dayana Piccoli ridDayana Piccoli

The Project of the Economy of Communion: The Projects and Experiences of the Lionello Bonfanti Business Park, Bertola Ltd. and Ornella Seca Agency

Master's Degree in Marketing and Corporate Communication

Carlo Bo University of Urbino, 9 December 2014, Language: Italian, Advisor:: Mara Del Baldo

The word of mouth about good deeds and reciprocity of the EoC activates dynamics of appetite for the common good. Encouraged to achieve personal growth at work, people are satisfied and involved in their profession with concrete benefit for the company, triggering processes of mutual aid. For the project to grow, however, the developed of measurement tools of relational dynamics is necessary, just as an adequate and flexible interdisciplinary terminology and a greater publicity and dissemination of this new way of doing economics.



Language: ENGLISH

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