Thesis of Corneille Kibimbwa

Corneille Kibimbwa ridCorneille Kibimbwa

An Analysis of Client Satisfaction in the Moyi Mwa Ntongo EoC Centre for Medical Analysis (CMMMN) in Kinshasa

Master in Company Management

Kinshasa Business  School (Democratic Republic of the Congo), 6 June 2015, Language: French, Advisor: Annie Cornet

The Moyi Mwa Ntongo Medical Centre is an EoC activity which saw a very significant growth in clients and revenue between 2010 and 2013. The thesis analyses the satisfaction of the customers regarding the management of the centre which is based on the EoC values: empirical research has shown that the EoC practices implemented attract customers to CMMMN, in a greater overall measure than to other competitor hospitals, especially because of the quality the staff and the pleasantness of the rooms.



Language: ENGLISH

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