Climate Generation

Awakening to Our Children’s Future

Climate Generation 400Lorna Gold
Publisher: Veritas, Dublin, June 2018
Product code: 9781847308412
buy on Veritas

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our generation - we hear it all the time. It has almost become a refrain. But do we really believe it? What if we were to let those words settle a little, penetrate minds and hearts deeply, and accept their troubling, terrifying truth? What if we were to understand that climate change isn't something far away out there in space and time, but something that affects us here and now?

In Climate Generation: Awakening to Our Children's Future, Lorna Gold shares her personal journey in understanding what those two words 'climate change' mean for her as a mother seeking to protect her children and, by extension, the world of which we are all a part.

Climate change is a real danger, which risks destroying our Children's future. This book tells the story of how one mother was awakened to this reality and how it changed her life. From fearing she could do nothing, she found herself catapulted into a big adventure. She discovered people from all walks of life who care about their children's futures and who are doing amazing things to make these voices heard.


Lorna Gold works for Trócaire, the Irish Catholic Development Agency. She is a specialist in International Development who has worked across academic and181102 04 Prophetic Economy 11 rid NGO contexts for almost two decades. She writes and speaks extensively on Pope Francis’ teaching in Laudato Sí. She holds a PhD in Economic Geography from Glasgow University and currently lectures in Applied Social Studies in Maynooth University. She has published widely, being the editor and author of numerous books, journals, policy reports and academic papers. She is a regular contributor to public debate on climate justice in Ireland and internationally and helped co-found ‘Stop Climate Chaos’ Ireland in 2006. She is vice-chair of the Global Catholic Climate Movement and a member of the Irish Government’s Advisory Group on the National Climate Dialogue. She is originally from Scotland and is married with two children.


Lorna Gold has given all of herself to this small book. She takes us on an anguished, unflinching journey into the heart of the climate crisis, and emerges emboldened — with a radical, utterly convincing hope that we can spring into action to protect the future of everything, and everyone, we love most.’
Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. the Climate

‘We need more narratives on climate change so that people are encouraged to make it a personal issue in their lives. This compelling personal story of a mother and activist makes that emotional connection very well, as she wakes up to the danger her children are in and connects the dots on how to safeguard their future.’
Mary Robinson, President, Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice

‘Written by one of the planet’s most stalwart and successful climate fighters, this is a truly necessary book. If you’ve ever wondered how you could dig in and make a real difference on the greatest problem the planet faces, wonder no longer. Just read.’
Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature



Language: ENGLISH

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