EoF: Stories - The Australian experience of Natalia Teguhputri who founded a movement to ensure that part of the profits of the company where she works are allocated to projects for disadvantaged...
EoF: Stories - Carlos Martinez is a young architect who created a small business after the hurricane of September 2017
by Maria Gaglione
published in Avvenire on 31/01/2020
“20 September 2017: a...
EoF: Stories - Azerbaijani Turkan Mukhtarova (Georgetown University) does research on gender inequality and violence against women
by Maria Gaglione
published in Avvenire on 24/01/2020
With a press release dated March 1, the Organizing Committee of "The Economy of Francesco" postponed the event until November. The Side Event, scheduled in Perugia for the end of March, in line with...
The organizing committee of "The Economy of Francesco" has announced that the event, in agreement with the Holy Father, will be held next November 21 in Assisi.
Source: The Economy of Francesco...
EoF: Stories - Miriam Nabasirye founded a company that has helped 640 women to start a self-employed business: from trade to fishing and even to the textile industry
by Maria Gaglione
published in...
EoF: Stories - Jaro Zacko is the co-founder of Triad Advertising, a Slovak advertising agency committed to helping people live more responsibly
by Maria Gaglione
published in Avvenire on...
EoF: Stories - The currency has increased demand for local products and services and strengthened the intensity of social relations
by Maria Gaglione
published in Avvenire on 14/12/2019
EoF: Stories - Janet Molina Maturano is a young researcher who is involved in sustainable and inclusive innovation for disadvantaged rural communities.
by Maria Gaglione
published in Avvenire on...
EoF: Stories - Maria Carvalho works in South Pole, a consulting company where she deals with energy and climate change policies
by Maria Gaglione
published in Avvenire on 14/12/2019
Penguins and...