Thesis of Emanuele Crociani

Emanuele Crociani ridEmanuele Crociani

The Principle of Reciprocity in the Economy

Undergraduate degree in Political Sciences

University of Milano, 13th December 2013, Language: Italian, Advisor: Franco Donzelli

The thesis aimed to examine how acting according to the logic of reciprocity moves some economic agents to adopt novel solutions and practices, considering the essential reaction of the people with whom they relate. A further intention of this paper is to show the different goals and causes that make these economic agents consider these necessary reactions. After considering the economic theories that define the principle of reciprocity as essential to the happiness of the people, the main objectives encouraging economic agents to act according to this principle were analyzed. Finally, some examples of application we presented: Corporate Social Responsibility, the Economy of Communion, the cooperative and the micro-credit.



Language: ENGLISH

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