EoC Lab-School: an ongoing task

The first Lab School of the Economy of Communion ended yesterday, on Thursday 8th September at Lionello Bonfanti Business Park.

by Giulia Pongiglione and Nacho Alonso

160904 08 Loppiano Lab School 04 ridFive days of school and lab that saw a number of presentations by professors, entrepreneurs and experts from the world of communication which gave all of us a lot of inspiration and tools to work on the ways to communicate the EoC values and life in the entire world.

The topics we have treated include crowdfunding, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), storytelling and branding.

One of the most interesting things of this school was the possibility to get contents and improve technical competences during the lectures to apply them later to the EoC’s context during the workshops.

Besides the experiences of the entrepreneurs and the lessons on communication, some 160904 08 Loppiano Lab School 03 ridsimilar experiences, like that of Slowfood and the initiatives of Slotmob in Italy have been presented.

We said good-bye to each other yesterday with our heart full of gratitude for all that we have received during these days from the professors, from all those who made a contribution, from the exchanges among each other, but also from the organising team that had to perform a task they had never had before. At the same time, it has been clear to us that - given the importance of the communicational challenge - our brainstorm could not be over with the end of the school. In fact we have taken up the task of continuing our work after these days spent together, when we return to our respective home countries. We thought of trying to do some concrete work in groups and continuing with our projects of visual storytelling, the EoC's website and the EoC's branding.

We see this as a way of applying all we have learnt during these intense and enriching days and putting it into the EoC's service in different parts of the world.

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