EoC-IIN: enterprise networks become a reality

A new project responding to the challenges of today Economy of Communion International Incubating Network

by Rebeca Gomez TafallaN43 pag 12 Rebeca Gomez Autore rid

from "Economia di Comunione - una cultura nuova" n.43 - Editorial insert of Città Nuova no. 7 - 2016  July 2016

This past March, the EoC representatives from around the world met in Loppiano with the aim of designing a new era of the Economy of Communion. The premise was to be creative, capable of regeneration in faithfulness to the EoC charisma. The result: the birth of the "EoC International Incubating Network", an international support network for entrepreneurship.

Economy of Communion International Incubating Network (EoC – IIN) is a global organisation expressed in the form of a network for the incubation of new companies with the spirit of communion, with hubs present on all continents, which will offer various services in the incubation process with the style of reciprocity.

There are already many incubators, in other words, systemic support structures for business ideas, in the world. The strength of this project is the Economy of Communion itself: a real community with a strong cultural imprint, to encourage the growth of a new generation of entrepreneurs.

How will it work? 'Implement locally, think globally'. It starts from local initiatives and resources, to give them support and connect them into the network, so as to constitute a single global reality.

N43 pag 12 Bootcamp 02 ridEvery country that has offered to be a hub will provide various services to the managers of entrepreneurial projects according to their strengths of their own organisation: offering co-working spaces, tutoring and mentoring networks, workshops, internships in companies for young entrepreneurs, etc. The network will foster the exchange of resources, knowledge, talent and people. In addition, the business parks will have a strategic role in this organisation. The journey has already begun.

In Brazil, EoC Association ANPECOM is studying the possibility of partnerships with local institutions working to support entrepreneurship: the latter ones would offer specific technical resources to project owners, while ANPECOM would bring the fundamentals and the EoC methodology. Meanwhile the incubation of 10 projects in the "Development Programme for Inclusive Businesses of Communion", launched in 2015 has also started.

In Portugal, at the Giosi Business Park, the "Bootcamp N43 pag 12 Bootcamp 01 ridof Entrepreneurship of Communion" was run in June : two intense weekends in which 20 participants designed business projects, with the aim to develop entrepreneurial skills by using a methodology of communion and always having the principles of the EoC as reference.

In Mexico, parallel to the planning of the Mexican EoC-IIN hub, the incubation process of a company that will produce spicy sauces started.

On the international level, a work path has been planned with the countries that are developing local hubs for co-planning the network: in a few months the EoC-IIN will be outlined for the greater part.

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Language: ENGLISH

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