Happy Easter to all

Luigino Bruni's wishes to the EoC world.

Every year the memory of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus returns and revives within the joys and sorrows of each of us and of all of humanity. In biblical humanism the memory is not to remember something from the past, which no longer exists but to relive that reality while remembering it. For this reason, we remember the Easter climbing with a cross on a mountain, shouting abandonment and then finding ourselves resurrected when we no longer expected it. This year Jesus, and us with him, was crucified in the many wars that continue to hurt the world, in the children who died in the barges on the sea and in the crossings of the deserts, in the civil wars in Syria and Libya, in the serious economic crises and social groups in Venezuela and Cuba and lastly in the night of Notre Dame in Paris.

But even this year the Resurrection of Jesus that we are about to relive continues to repeat that death and pain, although tremendous and very true, are not the last word on life, but only the penultimate because after it just as true and alive there is love. And so, year after year, we learn to rise again, bringing us, too, like Jesus, the stigmata of passion who say that being pain remains forever but remains risen.

Also the EoC this year has had its deaths and resurrections: pains, suspensions, failures, disunity, some protagonists have left us either because they died or because they abandoned the project due to disappointment or pain; but together with these crucifixes we also encountered many resurrections that repeat us: "life is greater than death".

Happy Easter to all, good resurrection to each and all together.

Luigino Bruni



Language: ENGLISH

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