Video - Economy, Business and Vocation


Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate - XXXVI Episode

Luca Crivelli: Economy, Business and Vocaion

The XXXVI Episode of the weekly series, "Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate", aired on May 22 and 23, 2010, on Tele Ticino, as part of the "Caritas Together" transmission. In this episode, Luca Crivelli explains the meaning of the word "vocation" as related to entrepreneur, in Caritas in Veritate.

In the encyclical, the most radical vocation is that of love. Can this vocation be united with business? The true entrepreneur is not intrinsically and mainly moved by profit, but by the project that he is carrying out, and this is his main objective. So then, being an entrepreneur can also be a vocation and, as the encyclical affirms, the entrepreneur can become a saint through his entrepreneurial activity. 

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