Video - Economy, Gratuitousness and Contract

The Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate - XXIX episode

Luca Crivelli: Economy, Gratuitousness and Contract

The XXIX episode of the weekly series "The Economic Thought in Caritas in Veritate" went on air March 27 and 28, 2010, on Tele Ticino, as part of the transmission "Caritas Together". In this episode, Luca Crivelli explains why the contractual relationships in the working environment are more complicated that than those between seller and consumer, for example. We´ll see why the "bonus trap" has completely saturated reciprocity and gratuitousness at the foundation of work relationships.

(In Italian)

{rokbox title=|Il pensiero economico in Caritas in Veritate, Economia, gratuità e contratto - 27/03/2010| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/Video_100327_caritas29.jpg|}{/rokbox}

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