EoC Studies PROgram – 2nd lesson: Luigino Bruni

Logo Scuola Edc Loppiano rid ridThe seminars of the EoC Studies PROgram are opened to anyone, who is interested in the project, and particularly addressed to entrepreneurs and workers from the Business Park Lionello Bonfanti and Loppiano International Center (Florence).
The second seminar was entitled: “Labor: Gift and Contract”. It was held on April 16, 2012 in the Lionello Business Park, by Professor Luigino Bruno, the EoC International Commission’s Coordinator.l Per-corso Edc è una scuola di approfondimento per imprenditori e lavoratori del Polo dell'Edc italiana Lionello Bonfanti e della Cittadella di Loppiano (Firenze), aperta anche a persone interessate ad Edc che vengono da regioni più o meno limitrofe.



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The Economy of Giving

The Economy of Giving

Chiara Lubich

«Unlike the consumerist economy, based on a culture of having, the economy of communion is the economy of giving.... 

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