Progetti di contrasto alla povertà AMU


AMU anti-poverty projects

Businesses that join the EoC share their annual profits for three purposes: development projects and assistance for people in need, training in the culture of giving, and business consolidation and growth.

For the first of these purposes, EoC collaborates closely with AMU - Azione per un Mondo Unito ONLUS,

which manages part of the profits pooled by the companies to implement development projects that restore employment and dignity to people in socially and economically vulnerable conditions.

Together we develop and implement projects to start and consolidate productive activities with a high social impact that create new employment for people in vulnerable conditions. In this way, people who would otherwise depend on outside help have the opportunity to improve and enhance their work skills, getting to earn through their work the right compensation that allows them and their families to live with dignity.

Projects always start from the proposals of our local partner associations that, inspired by EoC values, work closely with situations of misery around the world.

The experience gained in the field and the values at the basis of our work have allowed us to develop in recent years what we call "development of communion": a perspective of development based on the ability of each person to give something of themselves and of the goods at their disposal, even in conditions of serious need. This is why in each project we provide specific forms and tools to implement the reciprocity of the gift, a sign of protagonism on the part of the people involved and a guarantee of a genuine path to integral human development.

Below are the projects currently underway:

Social Report

In June 2023 AMU published the Social Report 2022, the tool that aims to communicate with incisiveness and sincerity the life of the 'association, the commitment of members and collaborators, the impacts of its work, but above all to keep alive and spread the tension toward a United World.

Collaboration with AMU

logo_AMUCollaboration with AMU

By Leo Andringa
From  "Economia di Comunione - una cultura nuova"  n.29 - September 2009

The collaboration between the EOC and AMU, begun a decade ago, is always closer, more operative and fruitful. And since 2006, it has been significantly reinforced.  

What is AMU?
N29_Pag._16_Amu_1 The Action for a United World Non-Profit Association (AMU in its Italian acronym) was founded in 1986 with the goal of promoting cooperation projects in developing countries and spread the culture of dialogue and unity between peoples everywhere. Inspired by the value of universal fraternity, on which the experience of the Focolare Movement is founded, AMU commits itself to bringing about sustainable activities that set the stage for effective development. Whether in dealing with the local social, cultural or economic realities, the association works together with the populations involved in a spirit of dialogue and reciprocal listening. Until now, the interventions begun in various countries of Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe regard professional formation, agricultural and artisan development, the cure and prevention of diseases, basic education, support to basic necessities (housing, food, healthcare) and other social development and formational activities.

AMU is a non-governmental development organization (NGO) recognized by the Italian Minister of External Affairs to be suitable for development projects, as well as formation and education on development, both in Italy as in developing countries.  It is also accredited by the Italian Minister of Public Instruction for the formation of school personnel on global topics and human rights.
Over the years, AMU has brought about around 25 projects in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Lebanon, Croatia and the Philippines. It has also supported nearly 400 micro-projects, defining and adapting them to the level and needs of small communities in many countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
To know more about AMU, visit :

EOC-AMU Collaboration
AMU contributes its experience and competence in bringing about and following development projects in developing countries, and uses it to manage a portion of the profits which EOC businesses put in common.
The collaboration with Amu is especially oriented towards developing projects which begin or consolidate economic activities which create new jobs, but it extends also to the other sectors of aid.

In tight collaboration with the local EOC representatives, AMU evaluates proposals, examines the feasibility of the projects and constantly follows their implementation. During and at the end of each project, AMU analyzes and evaluates the process through descriptive and financial reports send by the local commissions. This way, they can provide useful input to improve the project, where needed, and keep the documentation that accounts for the project up-to-date.

AMU wants to be as transparent as possible with regards to its donors – businesses or individuals – who can, in any moment, ask for news and to see documents of the projects being financed by them.
Between 2006-2008, AMU looked after the realization of 46 EOC projects and micro-actions in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay), Africa (Kenya, Uganda), Eastern Europe (Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia) and South East Asia (Indonesia), for a total of €558,000.
During 2009, AMU followed 21 projects and micro-actions, totaling nearly € 202,000, in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay), Africa (Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda), Eastern Europe (Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia).

The Italian legislation gave the possibility to businesses and individuals to deduct contributions to NGOs, among which AMU, from their taxable income up to a maximum amount of 10% of their income. Besides this, a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice (27/01/2009), has established that the benefits of the sanctioned fiscal deductions given by a government should also be applied on the donations made by its own citizens in favor of entities present and running in other countries of the European Union. If, for example, a German citizen makes a donation to a German NGO and enjoys the benefit of a fiscal deduction, he should also be able to enjoy such a deduction when he makes a contribution to an Italian NGO. From now on, therefore, a citizen or a business who wants to make a donation to AMU and is resident of any EU country in which the fiscal deduction is foreseen, he could deduct the contribution from his own taxable income.



Language: ENGLISH

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