

04 February 2017: An audience for the EoC world with Pope Francis

#EocwiththePope, or the extraordinary day of the audience for more than 1,100 members of the EoC from 54 countries with Pope Francis on 4 February 2017 in the Vatican: in addition to the text of the speech the Pope addressed to us, we will be gathering here press reviews, interviews, videos made...

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Video - The Economy of Communion and Pope Francis

Vatican City, February 4, 2017

1200 business people, young people and specialists in the Economy of Communion met Pope Francis on the 25th anniversary of the start of the project. He encouraged all present to develop “an economy which gives life, because it is based on sharing, includes the needy and uses profits to create communion”.

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Language: ENGLISH

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The Economy of Giving

The Economy of Giving

Chiara Lubich

«Unlike the consumerist economy, based on a culture of having, the economy of communion is the economy of giving.... 

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Formy comic strips!

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