
30 Years of Economy of Communion

29 May 2021, 13:00 - 17:00h (CEST)
live from Loppiano (Florence)

Simultaneous translation available in:
English, French, Portuguese, Spanish.


30 Years of EdC

The 30 Years of the Economy of Communion event is intended to be a session in which, departing from our origins in Brazil in 1991, we will pause to reflect together on what we have experienced in these 30 years in order to understand what path we want to take for the future.

Starting from what Chiara often recommended to us: "Let us not forget the poor", the first and fundamental aim of the Economy of Communion, making ourselves strong with the same passion that Pope Francis is putting into this objective, and starting from the entrepreneurs who have embodied this dream, we will focus on "our" way of looking at poverty: it is not so much a matter of fighting it but of deciding to "touch" and "embrace" it in order to truly understand it. Who will give us the strength and courage to do this if not the young? They are the ones capable of prophecy, and it is with them that we want to imagine the next 30 years. "Young people will make prophecies if old people remain capable of dreaming."

The event on 29 May 2021 will be streamed live from the Citadel in Loppiano (Florence, Italy) from 1pm to 5pm CEST and can be attended from all over the world. The programme will be enriched by the special presence of Gen Verde. Local listening hubs are being planned, where pandemic conditions allow.
L’economia del dare

L’economia del dare

«A differenza dell'economia consumista, basata su una cultura dell'avere, l'economia di comunione è l'economia del dare. Ciò può sembrare difficile, arduo, eroico. Ma non è così perché l'uomo fatto ad immagine di Dio, che è Amore, trova la propria realizzazione proprio nell'amare, nel dare. Questa esigenza è nel più profondo del suo essere, credente o non credente che egli sia. E proprio in questa constatazione, suffragata dalla nostra esperienza, sta la speranza di una diffusione universale dell'economia di comunione».

Rocca di papa, 10 novembre '91

da "Economia di Comunione - una cultura nuova"
n.31 - maggio 2010
The Economy of Giving

The Economy of Giving

"Unlike the consumer economy based on a culture of having, the Economy of Communion is the economy of giving. This could seem difficult, arduous, heroic. But it is not, because the human person, made in the image of God who is love, finds fulfillment precisely in loving, in giving. This need to love lies in the deepest core of our being, whether we are believers or not. And in this affirmation, supported by our experience, is where lies the hope of the universal spread of the economy of communion."

Rocca di papa, November 10, 1991
From "Economy of Communion - a new culture"
N.31 - May 2010

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