The Economy of Francesco

young people, a pact, the future

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os jovens, um pacto, o futuro


22-24 de Setembro de 2022 - Assis

22-24 de Setembro de 2022, Assis

"The Economy of Francesco"

os jovens, um pacto, o futuro

Última hora:

publicada hoje a carta com a qual o Papa Francisco convoca jovens economistas, empresários e empresárias, em Assis para propor um pacto para uma nova economia. A economia de comunhão participa da Comissão Organizadora do evento em conjunto com a diocese e o Município de Assis e o Instituto Serafico.


#EoF - The EoF School is back! Register now!

The first edition ended, but the path towards the Economics of Francesco has just begun. The Economy of Francesco is happy to announce its second online Economy of Francesco School that will take place between December 2021 and June 2022.

The title of the second edition of the school is thought-provoking: “Listening to plants for a new economic paradigm”. The first edition of the school and the dialogue between eminent scholars and young researchers taught us that the future of Economics is about the commons and that imagine, first, and then implement a fundamental, profound, and effective shift towards a new, green, sustainable economy that safeguards the commons is required if humanity wants to survive. Now the time has come to find a new ‘grand narrative’ for economics. Indeed, most of the proposals today do not challenge the roots and the basic paradigm of our economic system. In the last two centuries, while building both economics and the economy, economists chose the animal paradigm based on the division and specialization of organs and a hierarchically governed structure. While this choice has produced a massive success in speed and efficiency, it has proven to promote a predatory approach to natural resources against the local and global commons’ survival and has not avoided the tragedy of climate change-deterioration. A new paradigm is required that does not resemble the animal paradigm but rather a vegetal paradigm. 

This edition of the EoF School wants to promote a genuinely transdisciplinary dialogue between eminent scholars across different scientific fields and young social sciences researchers aimed at shifting the economic paradigm from the homo oeconomicus to a persona oeconomica vegetalis.


  • The 7 lectures will take place from December 2021 to June 2022, monthly, at 4 PM CET on the EOF YouTube channel.
  • To register, simply fill in the GForm which you can find by clicking on the REGISTER NOW button.
  • The deadline for registration is DECEMBER 7, 2021.
  • People enrolled in the course will receive an email before each lecture containing: the link to the YouTube channel, some handouts, some further reading.
  • The certificate of participation will be given to people who attend live at least 5 of the 7 lectures. The link for taking the attendance will be provided on YouTube.
  • The official language of the school (lectures, handouts, Q&A) is English.
  • Translations will be available in Spanish (tbc)

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