Mark your calendar for the second On-life seminar of The Economy of Francesco. This time, with Consuelo Corradi, professor of sociology at LUMSA University. Friday, September 18th. From 3 to...
They're back! The On-life seminars of The Economy of Francesco start on Friday, September 11, 2020, from 3 P.M. (UTC+2). The first topic of this new series: Can the gift within management...
How do we measure poverty? As the international community prepared new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the question of how we measure poverty became more important than ever before. The next...
Global poverty is one of the world’s most vexing problems. From education to healthcare, infrastructure to eradicating corruption, the vast majority of solutions rely on trial and error....
This Friday we’ll have a great opportunity of dialogue with Fr. Augusto Zampini, Adjunct Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
The Problem of our time is a...
The EoF Scientific Committee, in collaboration with LUMSA University, offers the First EoF Summer School: a research-oriented teaching by leading experts in their fields. Apply by June 21 ,...
O Projeto foi selecionado no Programa de Superação da Vulnerabilidade Econômica da Economia de Comunhão (Supera) e cumpriu sua missão de conectar oportunidades e vulnerabilidades.
fonte: edc...
Photos of the highlights of the first day of the 2nd Pan-African EoC Congress, with a soundtrack by Belamy Paluku. Nairobi, Mariapolis Piero, 27 May 2022
Sophia University is offering a series of three Sophia-EoC webinars entitled “Economy of Communion at work”, on May 11, 18 and 25 2022, starting at 2 pm (Central European time, UTC + 2),...
Abertura do Fórum edc 2023 acontece após a visita ao primeiro polo empresarial edc e segue com histórias de lideranças amazônidas, fala sobre o papel da edc nas Novas Economias e iniciativas...