Alberto Ferrucci
Diretor Responsável do Noticiário Economia de Comunhão. Uma Nova cultura.
Podem encontrar aqui alguns dos meus artigos publicados na revista Città Nuova.
Diretor Responsável do Noticiário Economia de Comunhão. Uma Nova cultura.
Podem encontrar aqui alguns dos meus artigos publicados na revista Città Nuova.
One of the conclusions of ATD’s participatory research on the Millennium Development Goals was that current measures of extreme poverty are inadequate. Some global statistics are very uncertain. In addition, the $1.90 a-day indicator of extreme poverty is deeply flawed.
Extreme poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon. ATD Fourth World works on the question of measuring poverty on three fronts:
On the research front, we undertook a multi-year participatory research project, in collaboration with Oxford University, that connected people who have a direct experience of poverty with other experts. A key aim of this research was to complement “top down” definitions of poverty with experiential ones, and to demonstrate that it is possible to develop research methodologies that enable the fulfillment of human rights obligations to engage people in poverty in global policy making.
Translations will be available here:
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