
#EoF On-life Seminar: Can the gift within management be the answer for a Post-Covid world?

They're back! The On-life seminars of The Economy of Francesco start on Friday, September 11, 2020, from 3 P.M. (UTC+2). The first topic of this new series: Can the gift within management be the answer for a Post-Covid world?

Which anthropological vision would be needed to rethink management after this global pandemic? What is the purpose of business? Which kind of performance does business need? a conversation with Pierre-Yves Gomez, Professor of Strategy at EM-Lyon Business School and Professor Guglielmo Faldetta, Professor of Organization Studies at Kore University of Enna. 

Keynote Speakers: 

  • Professor Pierre-Yves Gomez, Professor of Strategy at EM-Lyon Business School 
  • Professor Guglielmo Faldetta, Professor of Organization Studies at Kore University of Enna

Date: September 11th

Time: from 3pm to 4pm, Rome time

Translations will be available on the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87422488146


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