Call for papers: The Community of Advantage

HEIRS association, IREC and Lumsa University organize the conference:

The Community of Advantage

The Community of AdvantageRome, 21st – 22nd November 2019

Manifesto: The publication of The Community of Advantage (Oxford University Press, 2018) by Robert Sugden is an important event for the scholars working in one of the research avenues open by Bob Sugden in the last 40 years of activity.  The HEIRS association and LUMSA University organize in Rome two days conference for discussing the several aspects related to The Community of Advantage  – i.e. reconciling normative and behavioural economics, we-rationality, the moral dimensions of the market, reciprocity, philosophical foundations of liberal economics, etc.  With this call, we invite all scholars interested in Bob Sugden’s economics and philosophy to join us in Rome.

Day 1: 21.11.2019 – venue: Vatican City

Day 2: 22.11.2019 – venue: LUMSA University

Keynotes by: Robert Sugden (UEA) | Luigino Bruni (LUMSA) | Malte Dold (NYU) | Francesco Guala (University of Milan) | Shaun Hargreaves Heap (King’s College London) Mozaffar Qizilbash (University of York)| Lorenzo Sacconi (University of Trento) Christian Schubert (German University in Cairo)

Important dates:

  • Abstracts (max 300 words) must be submitted by July 15th, 2019  to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. (.PDF format)
  • Acceptance by Sept 15th, 2019
  • Early registrations by Oct 15th, 2019: Junior fee: 100 € / Senior fee: 200 €
  • Late registrations by  Nov 1st, 2019: Junior fee: 130 € / Senior fee: 260 €

Information: www.heirs.it  – Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Organizing institutions: HEIRS – LUMSA University –  IREC: International Review of Economics

Scientific committee: Leonardo Becchetti (University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’), Sergio Beraldo (University of Napoli ‘Federico II’), Luigino Bruni (LUMSA University), Vittorio Pelligra (University of Cagliari), Yuriy Pidlisnyy (UCU-Lviv),Tommaso Reggiani (Masaryk University), Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA University), Alessandra Smerilli (Auxilium), Stefano Zamagni (University of Bologna)

Local Organizers: Luigino Bruni (LUMSA University), Dalila De Rosa (University of Turin), Antonella Ferrucci (EdC), Tommaso Reggiani (Masaryk University), Paolo Santori (LUMSA University)

Download CFP

web: http://www.heirs.it/2019/03/20/the-community-of-advantage-rome-2019/


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