#30EoC - Live streaming of our event!

The long-awaited moment of our 30th birthday party is here! We expect you all, come to the party! The appointment is for today from 1:00 pm (CEST) onwards.

To take part to the event you just need to access the YouTube live stream, simply clicking on the preview image of this article.

The event can also be followed on the international channel (without translations):

🔴 INT: https://youtu.be/FdBZIz3mBkY

And in all these languages:

🔴 ITA: https://youtu.be/BEIKv64Adl8
🔴ESP: https://youtu.be/46KXJGo9aLc
🔴POR: https://youtu.be/3joXe3qID1g
🔴FRA: https://youtu.be/QzwQnIkaW3c

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