The Economy of Francesco

i giovani, un patto, il futuro

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i giovani, un patto, il futuro


22-24 Settembre 2022, - Assisi

22-24 Settembre 2022, Assisi

"The Economy of Francesco"

i giovani, un patto, il futuro

Breaking news:

pubblicata oggi la lettera con cui Papa Francesco convoca giovani economisti, imprenditori e imprenditrici ad Assisi per proporgli un patto per una nuova economia. Economia di Comunione partecipa al Comitato organizzatore dell'evento insieme alla Diocesi ed al Comune di Assisi ed all'Istituto Serafico.

#EoF - 17/07/2020 On-life seminar with Mariana Mazzucato

Mariana Mazzucato presenting: Finance and value creation. Which opportunities for a post #Covid19 world?

Wednesday. July 29, 2020, 04:00 P.M. - 05:30 P.M. (UTC+2) 

"Economy of Francesco on-life seminars. Moving towards a post-Covid better world " is a webinar series organized by the scientific committee of The Economy of Francesco meant to explore some of the themes and challenges of today's economy. 

Which opportunities for a post #Covid19 world? this is the main question that inspires the next conversation. The topic will be presented by Mariana Mazzucato, Professor at University College London (UCL), and the author of The Entrepreneurial State and The Value of Everything.

This will be the last appointment of the series, so join the seminar by going to the official channel of The Economy of Francesco.

Translations will be available!


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