The Economy of Francesco

i giovani, un patto, il futuro

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i giovani, un patto, il futuro


22-24 Settembre 2022, - Assisi

22-24 Settembre 2022, Assisi

"The Economy of Francesco"

i giovani, un patto, il futuro

Breaking news:

pubblicata oggi la lettera con cui Papa Francesco convoca giovani economisti, imprenditori e imprenditrici ad Assisi per proporgli un patto per una nuova economia. Economia di Comunione partecipa al Comitato organizzatore dell'evento insieme alla Diocesi ed al Comune di Assisi ed all'Istituto Serafico.

March, 28 - The Economy of Francesco

The young coordinators of the event did not want to miss this date and have prepared a message of fraternity and hope: Today, more than ever, we want to increase our commitment. When the emergency will come to an end, we will still be committed to build up our common future… together. The young coordinators of the event did not want to miss this date and have prepared a message of fraternity and hope: Today, more than ever, we want to increase our commitment. When the emergency will come to an end, we will still be committed to build up our common future… together.

More info:

published on the YouTube channel of The Economy of Francesco INTERNATIONAL EVENT on March 28, 2020


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