Lorna Gold - Books

Awakening to Our Children’s Future

Climate Generation 400Lorna Gold
Publisher: Veritas, Dublin, June 2018
Product code: 9781847308412
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Climate change is the greatest challenge of our generation - we hear it all the time. It has almost become a refrain. But do we really believe it? What if we were to let those words settle a little, penetrate minds and hearts deeply, and accept their troubling, terrifying truth? What if we were to understand that climate change isn't something far away out there in space and time, but something that affects us here and now?

The emergence of an economy of communion

Edc new financial horizonsLorna Gold

New City Press, 2010
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Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Economy of Communion, Gold examines the origins and substance of a promising alternative to the current globalized economy.The Economy of Communion, which started within the Focolare Movement in 1991, involves a worldwide network of solidarity among some 800 firms that together constitute a vibrant business community based upon the values of sharing, caring and justice.

Solidarity Networks Transforming Globalisation

The Sharing EconomyLorna Gold

Series: Ashgate Economic Geography Series, 2004
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At the start of the new millennium, the feeling of hopefulness which marked the dawn of this new era has darkened sharply. Ancient divisions have re-emerged, exposing the fragility of a globalised world in which there is little sense of being part of a global community. Globalised economic injustice, rooted in a widely-held belief about the place of economic life in modern societies, and its reliance on 'self-interest', seems to have eroded any aspirations for a different kind of society. This book examines the origins and experience of a radical alternative to the current globalised economy.


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