LUMSA University, HEIRS association and IREC: International Review of Economics, organize the conference in honor of Stefano Zamagni:

«Civil Economy: an Old-New Paradigm»

LUMSA University – Rome, Jan. 31st – Feb. 1st, 2025

For more than 20 years, Civil Economy (Bruni & Zamagni 2007) has been a source of inquiry into various fields of knowledge, i.e., Economics (Bruni & Sugden 2008), Philosophy (Zamagni 2018), Political Science (Pabst & Scazzieri 2019), Business Ethics (Nalli 2023), History of Ideas (Porta 2016, Santori 2020), and Theology (Milbank 2023). Inquiring into the features and roots of the 18th Italian civil economists’ ideas (Muratori, Maffei, Genovesi, Filangieri, Dragonetti), scholars brought back topics such as public happiness, civic virtues, fraternity, reciprocity, relational goods, public trust, social capital, civil welfare to address contemporary international debates in Academia and beyond. Civil Economy is generally conceived as an alternative or a complement to Classical Political Economy (Smith, Ricardo) and as the expression of a Southern/Catholic spirit of capitalism, in contrast to the Northern Protestant one described by Max Weber. As Stefano Zamagni has often repeated, Civil Economy “is a paradigma, a Greek word meaning ‘view of reality,’ which refers to a particular vision of the world” centered on people and their relation to the common good.


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