#EoF - 10/07/2020, On-life seminar with Loughlin Hickey, Helen Alford and Nash Billimoria

Loughlin Hickey, Helen Alford and Nash Billimoria: “Business as a Human System: the Blueprint for Better Business (BBB)”

Friday. July 10, 2020, 06:00 P.M. - 07:30 P.M.(UTC+2) 

"Economy of Francesco on-life seminars. Moving towards a post-Covid better world " is a webinar series organized by the scientific committee of The Economy of Francesco meant to explore some of the themes and challenges of today's economy. This time we deepen on the topic “Business as a Human System: the Blueprint for Better Business (BBB)”.

As guests and main speakers:

- Loughlin Hickey, Trustee of BBB, former Global Head of Tax, KPMG;

- Helen Alford OP, Vice Rector, Pontifical University of St Thomas, Rome;

- Nash Billimoria, Founder and Executive Coach & Consultant at Nash Billimoria

Join the seminar by connecting to the YouTube Channel of The Economy of Francesco

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