Loppiano: good luck with your work at the EoC Lab-School!

How to communicate the EoC values efficiently? Finding out about his was the main objective of the EoC Lab-School that started lad Saturday night in Loppiano

by the participants of the Lab-School

160904 08 Loppiano Lab School 01 ridThe first Lab-School of economy of communion started on 4th September at Lionello Business Park in Loppiano. The goal and challenge of this school entitled "Let the world know" was to understand and build a way of communicating the EoC and its principles to the entire world, 25 years from the start of the project.

We are more than 40 people coming from 11 countries and 4 continents (Italy, France, Slovakia, Croatia, Argentina, the Philippines, Brazil, Spain, Belgium, Austria and Burundi). The programme started by Alberto Frassineti, a company consultant and trainer who helped us define what the EoC was for us. After that, Luigino Bruni showed us the origins of the EoC and some of the dreams and challenges for the upcoming years.

As a conclusion of the morning session, some of the young people and entrepreneurs shared their experiences, which was followed by a dialogue.

In the afternoon, Luca Crivelli gave us a source of inspiration by presenting about the international success of 160904 08 Loppiano Lab School 02 dx ridTED Universe. After that, Raffaele Cardarelli, an expert of communication and advertisement provided us with the grammar of communication, affirming that every one of us is a communicator, however, most of the time we lack the necessary competences. We went on with the presentation of Ivan Turatti, a consultant for small and middle enterprises, the main goal of which was to show us the main tools of communication available on the net.

The day was concluded by an exchange of ideas and opinions about the topics discussed and, after dinner, by a full immersion into the world of art, so as to see a vocation at work.
It was a very intense day, but full of highlights, brought about also by the group from Cameron that participated through a remote connection in the school.

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