Video - Portrait of "L'Arcobaleno "

Portraits of EoC Entrepreneurs


Gualtiero Palmieri and Rina Santoli, founding parters of "L'Arcobaleno" (The Rainbow), in 1990, tell the storie of their business and give testimony to their choice to be an Economy of Communion business. L'Arcobaleno is a business leader in its sector, office products and information technology. In 2007, a new editorial division of the business arose, giving life to a publishing house, “L’Arcobaleno Editore”. That same year, a new sales location opened up in Tuscany at Polo Lionello Bonfanti near Incisa in Val d'Arno (FIorence, Italy).

This portrait was recorded during the Adriano Olivetti convention, "L’idea di comunità nell’agire d’impresa", Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Incisa in Valdarno, April 26, 2010.

Ritratti di imprenditore Edc: Gualtiero Palmieri e Rina Santoli
