#AfghanWomenExist - 28/08/2021: EoF global march

The Economy of Francesco cannot remain indifferent to the plight of Afghan women and is launching a global action in which we are all invited to actively participate: here the launch of the campaign.

Afghan women and girls are slaves again, deprived of rights and freedom. Bravely, in the streets of Kabul they shout: Afghan women exist. And they ask: "support our voices, don't let us disappear! World, can you hear us?"

We cannot pretend that all of this is not happening! They are there, so close, still visible, before a blue drape hides them.

EoF is launching a global march:

On Saturday, August 28, let's take to the streets, in the streets of our cities, to shout: Afghan women exist. Together we stand!

In our hands and in the windows of our houses, a blue cloth, like the one that wants to hide them.

We will repeat the march every Saturday, as long as necessary. Let's wear from now on, every day, a piece of blue cloth to say: we are with you, we see you, we hear you.

Together, let's give visibility to these actions, let's give voice to those who are silenced. Tag us in your photo or video,

The women and men of The Economy of Francesco


Banner EoF Afganistan rid 800

Design: Cristian Camargo. EoF youth from Argentina @crisdibujante92