EoCatWork#04 - Webinar, 13/05/2021

Fourth and last webinar of the #EoCatWork series, produced by Sophia University Institute in collaboration with EoC on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Economy of Communion, next 13/5.

#EoCatWork: four occasions (one per month from February to May) to get to know the entrepreneurs of Economy of Communion, their companies, and the history of their business.

After meeting last February Elisabetta Epping-Rossi and her husband Johannes, entrepreneurs of AGÁTA Rösterei & Café, and in March the North American EoC entrepreneur Andrew Gustafson of Communion Properties, on Thursday 22 April we will fly to Brazil to meet the entrepreneur Diego Miranda of Unitur Travel Agency, for the last webinar of the #EoCatworhk series, entitled: "Two generations, one dream: EoC in Central Africa" we will travel to two cities in Central Africa, Yaoundé (Cameroon) and Lubumbashi (Democratic Republic of Congo). Speakers: Simon Nkeng Nkafu and the EoC incubation hubs (EoC-iin) from Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In such EoC-iin hubs, that are present in all continents, new economic initiatives are helped to start, and their promoters have the opportunity to share their efforts and their commitment to an economy that takes care of people, the relationships among them, and the environment. This flowering would not be possible without the pioneering role of those who first took up the EoC proposal in the African continent. The webinar will host the voices of both the former and the latter.

Appointment on 13 May 2021 at 15:15 (CET) on the YouTube channels of the Istituto Universitario Sophia (in English), of the Lionello Bonfanti Pole (in Italian) of Anpecom (in Portuguese), of Economía de Comunión Argentina (in Spanish), of Economie de Communion Afrique Centrale (in French, to be confermed) or simply by clicking the preview image of this post..