Cameroon, Eoc-iin: action in favour of internally displaced persons

Faced with the emergency of internally displaced persons (IDPs), the EoC-iin Hub of Cameroon has taken concrete actions to restore hope.

by Godric Mbunya for Association Aecac

190112 Cameroon 01 ridIn the wake of the current socio political crisis plaguing the two English speaking regions of Cameroon, activities in these regions have been seriously paralyzed and people have been displaced. According to the UNICEF report of May 2018, there were 160,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the two regions where they are living under very difficult conditions. Now numbers are surely more consistent and today almost 500.000 persons have been displaced.

Most IDPs have abandoned their livelihoods to seek safety and refuge in towns like 190112 Cameroon 02 ridDschang, Douala, Bafoussam and Yaounde; some living with other family members and others living on their own and are compelled to hardship and extreme poverty. Host families with a household of 5 persons now host more than 15 persons living in one or two rooms. A project to train and empower IDPs has been initiated in some towns. This training will involve a maximum number of IDPs and would be carried out as from January 2019. At the end of this training process, IDPs will be able to cater for themselves and their families.

The first training session was launched on Saturday 12 January, 2019. This training is expected to empower the first 50 persons from Yaounde. The idea of training these IDPs was welcomed with a lot of euphoria. This session was marked by participants’ punctuality and preparedness for the day’s training. Some of them came with their minds made up on what they wanted to do. One of the participants; Anamecha Nicolas shared, “I am unable to write well and I hope the training doesn’t involve so much writing. All I want is to make shoes”.

190112 Cameroon 03 ridSome of the trainers present are young Entrepreneurs incubated by EoC_IIN There were: Mr Tiku Martin of ROBOGA organization who will contribute as a coach the trainees; Miss Nchotu Milliycent Ngwe, a trainer on shoes making using beads and other beads related products; Miss Kadia Suzanne, a trainer on crocheting of caps, mufflers and chains; Mr. Fabian Asong a trainer on soap making.

Mr Steve Azeumo, Mr Nkeng Nkafu Simon and Mme Melanie Njounou, Economy of Communion Entrepreneurs, were also present to encourage the trainees. Their presence strengthens their adherence to the spirituality of universal brotherhood. They emphasized that, 190112 Cameroon 04 ridhelping the IDPs is not only a humanitarian duty but also a moral and religious requirement as Christians to help those in need in our community in whatever way we can. They made the people present to understand why they must give back part of their services to their communities so as to empower more persons. Also, all trainees will be expected to plant a Tree in various quarters where they live. This is a small way for them to give back to humanity by taking care of their environment.

The Eoc-iin Entrepreneurs, the Focolare community, Roboga Organisation, LECUDO association, the Fon of Fontem and other well-wishers must continue to support these IDPs because empowering them rekindles their hope for the future and ensures that they can be emotionally balanced after a trauma.

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